Letter: Conservation, Drilling, New Rules Key to Reform


Date: Aug. 18, 2008
Issues: Conservative

Letter: Conservation, drilling, new rules key to reform

By Bob Anderson

If Elwyn Tinklenberg wants to end partisan sniping, he should encourage his Democrat-controlled Congress to open all resources in America, including ANWR.

The majority of the country wants it. His party's Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is refusing to call a vote in Congress while she is out
peddling her book.

We are the only country in the world that does not use all of the resources available to us. Mandating miles per gallon standards on automobile companies is not the answer. Let the market determine the need.

Elwyn did not mention hybrids. You can't even get a Toyota Prius for six months plus a five hundred dollar deposit. We need to encourage greater production of hybrids and show the world we are serious about making real changes.

We can bring down prices of oil by personal conservation, drilling responsibly wherever we can, and reforming the rules for speculators. If we show a real desire to change, prices will come down. You may have already noticed reduced prices at the gas station.

As far as Elwyn being a member on the house transportation committee with Rep. Jim Oberstar, I feel he has already been a little too cozy with Rep. Oberstar as a lobbyist in his Tinklenberg Group. That is not the way to deal with transportation issues.
